Rodrigo Correa
I guess one thing people can say about me just by knowing me a little: I am very curious. Super curious. And I like solving problems.
I also love learning and sharing knowledge with others; I believe we are not born into this world only to take, but also to give it back.
My career is quite diverse, from Investment Banking and Consulting to Public Service to Startups.
From my analytical mind, I am normally in charge of dealing with big challenges and strategic projects.
I consider I have 3 very strong hats which I wear when analysing business opportunities:
– The Finance one, so that I think on tradeoffs, feasibility and profitability;
– The Strategic one, to understand the why should a path be taken, what is the desired outcome and how to get there;
– The Analytical one, that looks for evidence, data and hidden trends in information, in order to uncover less obvious insights that can shift strategy;
My career interests include e-commerce services, data analysis, product management and international business.